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The Art of Cézanne: painting with acrylics in the Heart of Provençal Colorado in the style of Cézanne

The Art of Cézanne: painting with acrylics in the Heart of Provençal Colorado in the style of Cézanne

You are passionate about the art of Cézanne, this artist who so loved painting in the Luberon, and you dream of mastering the techniques of acrylic painting while soaking up the essence of this place which so inspired?

This course is made for you!

Join us for four days of artistic immersion in beautiful Provencal Colorado, in Rustrel, where you can develop your artistic skills while drawing inspiration from Cézanne's artistic vision.

Course Content

Day 1 - Introduction to Acrylic Painting
- Presentation of Cézanne and his love for Provence.
- Introduction to basic acrylic painting techniques.
- First painting exercises to understand the versatility and texture of acrylic.

Day 2 - The Colorful Language of Cézanne
- Exploration of Cézanne's characteristic color palette.
- Practical exercises to understand how Cézanne used color in his work.
- Creation of an acrylic work inspired by the principles of Cézanne.

Day 3- Artistic Freedom and Personal Creation
- Exploration of creativity and personal artistic expression in the style of Cézanne.
- Putting into practice everything you have learned so far.
- Creating an acrylic artwork that reflects your own style while drawing inspiration from Cézanne and Colorado Provençal.

Useful information

Location: Rustrel, in the heart of Provençal Colorado, offering an environment conducive to inspiration.
- Duration: 3 days
- Level: Open to everyone, from beginners to experienced artists.
- Materials: Basic acrylic paint materials will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring your own supplies if you wish.

The course includes demonstration sessions, discussions on Cézanne's art, group critiques and relaxing moments to enjoy Provençal Colorado, while soaking up the essence of the place that so inspired this artist. .

Join us for this unique art experience that will allow you to develop your acrylic painting skills while exploring Cézanne's vibrant colors and creative passion in the beautiful setting of Provençal Colorado, just as he loved it so much. Come discover the beauty of the Luberon through the eyes of a visionary artist!

Join us for this unique artistic experience that will allow you to develop your watercolor skills while immersing yourself in the enchanting world of Cézanne. Come discover the beauty of the Luberon through the eyes of an artist!

Price with accommodation: 1120 euros (all-inclusive: accommodation, full board and equipment: accommodation includes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings) 

Price without accommodation: 590 euros with equipment provided

Course dates: Wednesday 22 May, Thursday 23 May and Friday 24 May 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with a lunch break.

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