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  3. It's great to see that you are exploring the technique of alcohol markers, also known as "Rough" markers.

It's great to see that you are exploring the technique of alcohol markers, also known as "Rough" markers.

It's great to see that you are exploring the technique of alcohol markers, also known as "Rough" markers.

Working with these markers requires a certain speed and particular mastery due to the volatility of alcohol.

Drawings made with alcohol markers, often called "Rough" markers, are a unique and stimulating artistic experience. These pens offer a vibrant color palette and great precision, making them an ideal tool for creating detailed and expressive works.

However, it is essential to work quickly, as the alcohol in the markers evaporates quickly, allowing colors to be layered and creating fascinating effects.

The volatile nature of alcohol in markers adds a dimension of urgency to your creative process. You need to make quick decisions when it comes to color layering, textures and gradients, pushing you to develop your artistic spontaneity and express your creativity dynamically.

Alcohol markers are also versatile, allowing you to work on a variety of media, from specialty to plain paper. You can create illustrations, quick sketches, abstract designs and more, all while exploring the unique interplay between color and alcohol.

The use of these markers offers a true artistic adventure where each mark of color, each gesture and each mixture are opportunities for discovery and artistic expression. Although it may seem demanding, regular practice with alcohol markers will allow you to develop exceptional skills in composition, color control and artistic spontaneity.

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